1st XI
Sat 18 May 2024  ·  Division 1
Odiham & Greywell
1st XI
Bramshaw CC - 1st XI
1st XI match report Vs Bramshaw

1st XI match report Vs Bramshaw

Andy Stenning24 May - 12:16
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1’s produce another top performance

Game week two was upon us and after last week’s comprehensive victory away at Shrewton, the squad were keen to keep momentum going.

Team selection this week was slightly adjusted from the previous, with the skipper making himself absent for the fixture, in favour of driving a minibus. This meant Charlie Russell was given a chance show his all after becoming a star on social media for his one- hander last week.

Veteran,Phil Thomas was also selected as a keeper In replacement for Tom Wiltshire who was sporting his Speedo’s on a beach somewhere.

Onto the game, and we were welcomed by a good looking track, prepared by our team of volunteers who had done a fine job again.
With overcast conditions early on, we were keen to get in the field.

Stand in skipper, Ikin, duly won the toss and we set about our bowling goals!

Jon Hawk, who had been been hooping balls around at Lords this week, took the new cherry alongside Dylan Kettle.

Brawshaw started their innings in a calm manner, with both Odiham Bowlers getting to grips with the conditions. Hawky was doing all sorts with the ball first up, and was finally rewarded with the first scalp, the visitors 31-1.

Scott McGaughrin would enter the attack and he too, got into the action early, removing Bramshaws best bat, Tom Arnold for 25 and things were looking good.

Hawky completed his spell with a superb 2-22, being replaced by Kyran Munt, the man in form.
It proved to be a successful change from the skipper, as Kyran removed another Bramshaw bat, seeing him pick out Hawky at Cover. He wasn’t done there as he tore through another to see the visitors slump to 64-4.

Dylan was unleashed again for a second spell and looked to crash through the tail, to which he did, ably helped by two catches behind, much to the amazement of the keeper and his fellow teammates as the old-timer had played his cymbals for most of the day!

He torn through the tail to return with 4-22 and Scott picked up the final wickets to see Bramshaw post a below par 105 and a good display from our 4 bowlers!

After an amazing tea, kindly prepared by Sally McGaughrin, the team were fully refreshed for a crucial second innings.

Sharpie, kitted up with a splash of zinc and his wide brim(the most Aussie looking thing ever) and Kyran would set about the total for the O’s.

Sharpie sadly couldn’t keep up with Kyrans 3 back to back cover drives in the opening over, spooning one to mid off to see him trudge back early on for 6.

The skipper was at three and took up the role of sitting back to watch a masterclass in batting unfold from Kyran Munt as the newly professional hiker dispatched each bowler to the boundaries.

This run chase would not last long as Kyran finished on 79* and Ikin 18* to see the hosts win by 9 wickets inside 13 overs.

A few TFC’s (thanks for comings)-
Rollo Harrap
Charlie Russell
Liam Doran
Craig Williamson

All, we know still playing crucial roles in the team when required.

An important victory against what is usually a sterner opponent as we had bagged ourselves 23 points. A result which sees us sit in 2nd spot in the league.

We travel to 3rd place, Burridge next week to keep the ship sailing….

Match details

Match date

Sat 18 May 2024




Division 1

League position

Odiham & Greywell CC - 1st XI
Bramshaw CC - 1st XI
Team overview
Further reading